
My name be Holly. My mama calls me Holly-bear. She wanted to tell all
her frends about me but she askt me to write this cuz she has too many
wet things comin from her eyes to see the skreen.

I am almost 6 yeers old. I won't see my 7th birfday in March cuz I be
gettin ready to go to da Bridge soon. Way too soon my mama says. She
dint put my Christmas stocking away with da others this year. I wonder
what she wants to do wit it. Before last yeer I was a health happy
girl. Then I got da drenal disese. Dr Potts did a peration and took
da drenal disease away. I was so happy. Did ya see my pikture on da
January page of da SOS calendar. Can you pik out which one's me????
Yup, dats me in da middle. Mama took a funny pikture of me and I got my
verry own page!! In July I started not feelin gud again, Dr Potts sayd
i gots da lmfoma now. My mama had lots of those wet things frum her
eyes when he told her dat. It's been 5 monz now and I'm getting so big
and so tired. I wished I culd stay here for my whole page, but i dunt
think I can do dat. My mama has taken da best care of me, but i still
get more fatter and more tired. Der waz a poem she rote called Journey
to da Bridge. I think mama and me have to make dat journey. She will
hafta take me to see Dr. Potts so he can make me feel bedder forever.
(I've herd of dah shot that makes you all better and gets you on yer
way to da Bridge. I hope dou i start my journey here at home wit my
brotheer Buddy and my sister Ruby. Mama said she won't let me hurt too
much and we will go to Dr Potts if it gets bad. My Mama tries to tell
me bout da Bridge but i don't wanna listen right now. I can still walk,
although my back feet slides sometimes on dis floor. I still LOVE my
gravy, and I still am what my mama calls, alert (doI don know what dat
means but i think it'z a gud thing. My mama makeds lots of dos wet
things when she tries to tell me. Lately I been more tired and a little
week, but Mama comes and feeds me gravy lotz more often and now i feel
a better! Why does mama make so many tear things? I herd the Bridge is
a wonderful place where I will wait for her to come see me and all my
other brudders and sisters. I herd i will get my beeutiful figure back
and ALL my fur. Pleze tell Mama when I leave for da Bridge dat I will
be fine, i will be better dan fine. And someday she will be here to see
me again and she will be better dan fine too!

My Mama says dat when I go to da Bridge she will tell you. She says her
friends will help her just like my friends will help me when i get to
da Bridge.

I loves my mama so much, she knows dat. Mama has made a really gud life
for me. Did you know dat i was found on a street corner in a cage wit
Buddy. Dat was 5 yeers ago. Even dou I havnt been wit my mama for my
whole life, she packed a lifetime of love for me and Buddy into dos
yeers. Oh, dere she goes again with dos wet things!

I hafta to go now, my paws are tired of makin dis leter. I told mama
don make dos wet things, i'm going out a star!! Dats da best way. Hooda
thought, me, found on a street corner would be Miss January!! ama be so

I tank my mama for all da love she has giv to me. I tank her for takin
such gud care of me for des monz. Dr Potts said he didn't think i'd
make it to Christmas, but I showd him, dint I?? It will be so hard for
Mama to say bye to me, cuz we be together so much lately. She always
holds me when she gives me my gravy and dat makes me feel so gud. She
talks so softly to me, sometimez it tikkles my ear!!!

Tank you for been mamas best frenz. She told me she luvs you very much.
She be a very lukky mama to have such gud frenz lik you.

Holly-bear Pyron

[Posted in FML 7295]