We have had ferrets whose spleens were removed. Unless rupture is
imminent the vet will carefully pat the spleen to remove blood back to
the body. None of the ferrets we have personally had in over thirty
years whose spleens were enlarged had problems with removal, but that
can vary depending on what is present, care after surgery in the first
few weeks, etc. All did better without the huge spleens. As usual
post-op recommendations like not climbing or being active for around
two weeks apply since those can cause fatalities. Ditto keeping
reasonable hydration, and otherwise providing safe care. You can find
such tips in the archives of both the FML and the FHL. Look for content
containing words like postsurgical. Also seek content containing spleen
and surgery or similar phrases. The middle word in one of those ferret
lists is mailing while the other one is health.

[Posted in FML 7295]