Quite awhile ago I mentioned on the FML, a few Yahoo! groups, to some
friends about a local exotic Vet I have been to over the years is
involved with a DNA disease study. She told me about it about a year
or so ago. I'm not sure when she posted this on their web site, but I
thought I'd share:

University of California, Davis: Ferret Study

Bird and Exotics tries to stay on the cutting edge of new information
through conferences, lectures and other sources. One of those sources
are by supporting causes and research studies that looks into the
prevention of diseases. Dr. Susan Orosz and her practice was asked to
help collect samples for data that will be used in a study that The
University of California, Davis will be conducting in reference to
ferrets and their genes that may cause the cancers that plaue them.
They are looking at the DNA of our ferrets in the United States and all
over the world to evaluate their DNA kinship and how close or how far
apart they are genetically. This knowledge, they hope, will help them
to further look at specific genes to see whether a certain gene may or
may not be involved or cause one of the cancers or other diseases in a
ferret. The method they are using is similar to how they are currently
looking at this in dogs and cats. They have samples from 29 countries
and all samples are collected with noninvasive procedures that do not
inflict and harm or discomfort to the ferrets that the samples are
being taken from.


Joan and the 6 Fuzzies

[Posted in FML 7316]