Oliver was taking advantage of the snow that had fallen at the Bridge
and, as the otters had gone south for the winter, several of the other
ferrets and Oliver were sliding down their mudslide. Now it was frozen,
and the ferrets were snowboarding down the slope.

Bluebird was watching the fun from a tall tree when The Receiving Angel
paged her. Seems there was a little panda girl named Chrisy crossing
and someone need to go find The Wreaking Crew. The Angel wanted to know
if Oliver was available?

"He is snowboarding," Bluebird said. "I'll tell him he needs to go to
work. Oliver, Oliver, come here. I has a message for you."

Oliver rode his snowboard over to the tree where Bluebird was and asked
what she wanted.

"You has to go find someone from The Wreaking Crew, and tell them
Chrisy is here," she said. "I'm on my way to tell No. 421 to go up to
the Bridge."

Oliver stood his snowboard up by the tree and started over the field
to the Silver Stream. The Wreaking Crew had a compound by the stream
and the boys were always out doing odd jobs. Oliver arrived and was
just about to knock on the door when the door flew open.

"Hello Oliver, what can I do for you," Beka said.

Oliver told the girl that Chrisy was coming over the Bridge and could
someone from The Wreaking Crew come and meet her.

"Oh Oliver, I'm her friend Beka from long ago. I could go."

"Okay" Oliver said. "Lets get started so she can get back here in time
for supper."

Oliver and Beka hurried over the frozen fields to get to the Bridge.
No. 421 had left for the Bridge as soon as Bluebird told him about
Chrisy. He had been here for about half an hour and she still had not
arrived. Then the Bridge started to creak and No. 421 sat up. There
was a cute ferret girl strolling along over the rough planks. She
looked very sad.

"Hello the Bridge," No. 421 called. "Who goes there?"

"Hhhhelllo," it be me that goes. I be Chrisy and I think I'se lost,"
the little ferret girl said.

"Oh no, you're not lost," No. 421 said. "This is the Rainbow Bridge
and you have arrived from your home on earth. My courier Oliver has
been sent to fetch some of your family. I'm sure they have a home for
you. Here, come sit with me until they arrive."

No. 42 and Chrisy had only been sitting for a few moments when Oliver
came over the hill with Beka. Beka saw Chrisy sitting with No. 421 and
started to run down the hill to the Bridge. "Chrisy, Chrisy, how I've
missed you." The two girls hugged and dook and hugged some more.

Chrisy was all smiles as she said "I won't be lonesome anymore, Beka.
I'm so glad you are here for me." No. 421 and Oliver were standing by
the Bridge watching the girls. Oliver saw Shooting Star and motioned
her to come down. Chrisy came over to No. 421 and thanked him for
helping her find her way to her family.

Shooting Star came over and brushed the tears from Chrisy's face. I'll
be glad to tell your mom you made it, and are with family," she said.
"What do you want to say?"

Tell Mom .....
"Thank you" for all she did for Beka and me," Chrisy said. "Tell her I
love her and will wait here with Beka until she comes for me."

Shooting Star took it all down and dropped a light kiss on Chrisy's
forehead. Chrisy and Beka went over to No. 421 and Chrisy thanked him
and Oliver again for helping find Beka for her.

The two ferrets started walking back to the compound, and No. 421 and
Oliver started back to the house. Once back Oliver pulled the soup
pot to the front burner. Then he started filling the wood box for the
night. No. 421 wrote in his logbook.

Beka and Chrisy are together forever and Oliver and I are home. I'm
going to stop by tomorrow to make sure everyone is happy.

Oliver set the table and the two friends sat down to dinner.

[Posted in FML 7311]