The SOS Christmas Card Exchange was a huge success! Thank you to the
following people who participated :

Kathleen Collins, Marilyn Ledoux, Penny Potter, Linda Wimpee, Angela
Neiswenter, Pat Shaskin, Darlene Wilcox, Jeff & Amereta Julian, Angela
Dixon, Rebecca (Wolfy) Stout, Mark & Debbie Fitzgerald, Shanna Gamache,
Kim Crivello, Melissa Lane, Mindy Harvey, Cyndie & Trish Houmard,
Heather Pittman, and Brenda Johnson.

Your cards and goodies were so much fun to receive. Collectively you
all raised $147.00, which will go to the SOS general fund. This fund
helps to pay Vet bills, buy food, and pay for implants for shelters
in need.

The next up? The Valentines Day Card Exchange. I hope you will all come
and join us. Deadline to sign up is February 1, 2012.

Robin Jones

[Posted in FML 7303]