Dear Mom,

We are here, but we are late in writing, well Pie O' Pah is because
he's been busy with loud, baby puppies and watching his mom get up
every few hours to take care of them like they were her real babies,
but they are sure real cute!

So we have opted to write something just for you, that includes all
of us and some of Pie O' Pah's brother's and sisters.

  A sleigh came our way, on that crisp and snowy day
  And picked up each one of us along it's way.
  It was drawn by a Husky girl, as beautiful as can be
  And Akasha was her name, a beautiful sight to see!
 And off she flew

  She picked up Wriggley and Bree,
  Who both giggled with glee,
  And bounced all around the sleigh,
  Because there was lots of room to play!
  And no one to boss them around that day!

And off she flew

  Next came Pepper and Sabrina,
  You really had to see her,
  Because she so full of fuzzit joy,
  While Pepper was being coy.
  (In truth I think it's all about a boy)

And off she flew

  And the next stop was Cinnamon
  First ferrets rule as knows everyone
  And a back pack she carried was full to the brim
  With toothbrushes she had stolen from all her friends!
  Her teeth be white as snow!

And off she flew

  Next Akasha stopped for Jill and Zoey
  Who I hear has grown Ferretone crazy,
  But Jillian only wants to kiss your foerhead
  And nibbles, opps she means your earlobes instead!
  Because she misses you so.

 And off she flew.

  Next stop was Rosey and Minka,
  Who are such cute stinker's,
  Because they brought calenders to sign,
  And took their darn time - both posing like mimes!
  Akasha made sure I got mine!

And off she flew

  Sleepy Marble waited on her own,
  Having come from the closet in her home,
  A 13 gallon plastic baggie in tow,
  Filled to the brim with Cheerios!
  Because she knew she'd have to share!

And off she flew

  Next picked up was Casper and Casey,
  Who are both as soft and beautiful as can be,
  Casper a sweet, charming cinnamon,
  A cuddley blanket held in her hands.
  One dragged everywhere she goes!

And off she flew

  Precious, Peebles, and Bandit,
  All healthy, happy, softy and fit,
  Jump aboard the comfy sled,
  And poor Precious bumped her head.
  So Akasha kissed her well.

And off she flew
  Then came Sam & Snoopy.
  Who had himself a little groupie,
  Named Piper who arrived with a thermos of cocoa,
  And other yummy's goodies on the go-go,
  And couldn't pass them out fast enough - oh-no!

And off she flew

  Gideon, sweet Frosty, and Peanut too,
  Jumped on the sleigh and danced the Boog-ga-loo
  and everyone joined in, 
  From family to friends.
  Because who doesn't like a good long dance or two?

And off she flew

  Then came the famous Bonnie & Clyde,
  The most famous duo on the ride,
  But keep in mine Clyde's a darling little girl,
  And she'll give you quite a nippy thrill,
  Should you forget your manners with her!

And on she flew

  And Akasha arrived just in time,
  To see Stitch and Jazzy cross the line,
  From your side of the Bridge to ours,
  Into a dozen arms and Cheerio ridden paws.
  And lots of oooohs and awws.
  A a war dance to two!

And so she stayed.

  And watched the fuzzits greet,
  And dance off their little feet,
  And welcome family home,
  But just so you wouldn't be alone.
  They took a ride to the Viewing Pool
  Where each and every fuzzy could see you,
  And send you all their love!

We love you Mom!!!!!

Wriggly, Sabrina, Pepper, Cinnamon, Bree, Jillian, Zoey, Marble, Casey,
Rosie, Minka, Casper, Sam, Precious, Bandit, Pebbles, Snoopy, Frosty,
Peanut, Bonnie, Clyde, Gideon, Jazzy and Stitch!

[Posted in FML 7302]