No. 421 was stirring a pot of raisin soup when Oliver came in with an
armload of wood. "It sure is cold," he said as he dropped the wood in
the wood box. "Now that all the storms are over Bluebird is back. She
is sitting on her perch and is just as bossy as ever".

"I know, I know," No. 421 said, "She left us a ticket and I need you
to go find Jack and Lil'Bit. One of their house mates has crossed."

Oliver brushed himself off and took a drink of water. "Okay" he said.
"If I remember correctly, Jack was building his mound so family members
could move right in. I remember we all went to the mound raising
party." Oliver dashed off in the direction of Jack's mound. Jack had
done an awful lot of work and with Lil'Bit running things; he was able
to get more work done than ever before. Lil'Bit ran the house doing the
cooking and cleaning and Jack had begun a small construction business.
Now that his mound was finished, he spent his time helping other
ferrets build a mound and settle in.

Oliver was almost to Jack's mound when the gentle breeze brought the
most delicious smell of someone baking cookies.

He was just about to open the gate when the door flew open and Jack
came running out with a pawfull of cookies. LilBit was coming out right
behind him. "Don't you come in here again and steal my cookies," she
called. "I'm saving them for supper." And she turned on her toe and
shut the door. Jack was running so fast he almost ran into Oliver.
"Hey Jack," he called. "Save some of your loot for me. I have not had
some homemade cookies in a while."

While the two munched on the forbidden cookies, Oliver told Jack that
Sam he arrived at the bridge.

"He arrived here some time ago, but with all the pollution from earth
and the storms we have had, we have had some connection problems,"
Oliver said. "That is over and barring more problems, the Bridge
Greeters are trying to catch up. I believe Sam was staying with Skye,
helping him add another room onto the arriving mound. Lets finish the
cookies and go find him. Lil'Bit will be so happy to see him, she will
forget all about the cookies you stole."

The two friends scampered off to the Bridge to find Skye and Sam.
The Receiving Angel was trying to make a list of everyone needing a
greeting and Sam was on the list along with a host of other kids.

"Hello Oliver, Jack, what can I do for you" the angel said? "I'm so
far behind, it will be a while before I can sit and chat."

"Hi Mr. Angel," Oliver said. "You remember Jack and Lil'Bit? Well, his
mound is a beauty and he has room for more family members. His earthly
housemate Sam passed a while ago, and we just received word he was
here. We came to take him to live with Jack and Lil'Bit."

"I see," said the Receiving Angel. "I believe he is out back with Skye
putting the finishing touches on another room. Just go around the cloud
bank and you will walk right into him."

Oliver and Jack had just rounded the cloudy bend when Sam, who was way
up on the roof let out a shout. Hey Jack -- That you??? he shouted. "I
had just about given up hope of ever seeing you again. Just a minute,
I'll be right down."

Sam ran to the ladder and slid down. He hugged Jack and the two just
dooked and dooked.

Jack told Sam he had a room already for him, so he could move right in.
"And, now the best part," Jack said. "Lil'Bit lives there also and she
is a fabulous cook. She was making cookies for our supper. Come on,
I'll take you to your new home."

Oliver shook Sam's paw and told him he would come by to see how he was
settling in at the end of the week, and Sam and Jack hurried off.
Oliver went back to the Receiving Angel and told him to send a sunny
day to Micheal at Ferret Rescue and Adoption of South Texas to let Sam
was with Jack and Lil'Bit and would be waiting for him to come and
collect the family.

Oliver was still brushing the crumbs from his shirt when he arrived
back at the cabin. He told No. 421 that he had found Jack and Sam was
going home to be with his housemates.

"The Receiving Angel is making a list of those ferrets that passed
and were not greeted," Oliver said. "So I think we will be busy for a

No. 421 ladled up some of the hot raisin soup, passed the crackers and
the two friends ate their supper. After dinner, No. 421 entered into
his logbook that Sam had arrived and was home with family.

"Oliver, lets get the dishes done and get into bed for an early night"
No. 421 said. "If you think we will be busy, we had better get some
rest. I expect that Bluebird will be arriving with a beak full of
tickets tomorrow."

No. 421 waved the stars a good night, telling them they could stop
blinking now, and he slipped into bed. He could hear Oliver snoring
in the other room.

[Posted in FML 7302]