Posted around the end of October about my 5 1/2 year old ferret, Pan,
that had this lump come up on his prepuce (aka "down there"). That
lump ending up disappearing a few days later then came back just
before Christmas.

I brought him in and the vet took a few samples of it (mostly blood
with a little tissue - there was nothing really "in" the lump I.e.,
pus, etc) with a syringe and tests came back as non-cancerous. The
lab did recommend "full excision" but other friends of mine - as well
as the vet - are telling me that if it's a benign growth it may be
best to leave it alone.

Uploaded a few pics to my server and would like to know if any of you
have seen something like this and what you did about it. It doesn't
hurt him to touch it and the redness you're seeing is only the spots
where the needles were put in a few weeks ago. He's peeing fine,
active as ever, doesn't seem to lick or scratch it at all, there's
no discharge. No symptoms other than this weird lump.

Pic of when it first showed up at the end of October -

Pics just now: 

Thanks ahead of time to those that take the time to read this
and respond.


[Posted in FML 7300]