Dear BridgeGreeter,

I is sending yous my bestest and mostest preciousest of gifts -
Charlie. Da vet say dat his Pred make his heart work too hard and get
too big. He get fluid in his lungs. He cough and gasp and whine and
drool. The Pred was for da Insulinoma, but the Insulinoma work so fast
dat da Pred have ta go higher and higher. We not know if it was da
diabetes from da Insulinoma which made Charlie not see but bright
light and dark. Da Ferrets at Heart Mama human call him "Sir Charles
da Blind." I not bite her for dat, since she not see so good eider.

Charlie lived with a nice lady and a mean man, before the lady took
me from da big McKay place and put me with Charlie. I treated Charlie
like my own kit. I stood up for him when da bad man hurt him. I can
still poof up a big stink and bite and scratch! Charlie was put in
da freezer. He was fed eggs straid from da frying pan. Oder tings
happened, but I not want to write about dem. Nice lady ventually
take us ta Ferrets at Heart, and we live happy and well.

Charlie used ta be dis big fat ferret. He blind, but his nose best of
all da ferrets. He can find treats or kibble anywheres! If he scared,
which blind ferrets get lots, since not can see what other ferrets or
humans is doing, I bring him my treats. I am tiny-tiny ferret, and
Charlie only ferret allowed ta cuddle with just me, until today. I
squish easy, and I is very old. Now I very old and very sad.

But Charlie's mostest favoritest ting in da hole widest world is da
catch'in cabnits. He love ta open da catch'in cabnits! All us ferrets
gets ta play in the catch'in and liv'in room and dining room on
Christmas. Charlie goes threw all da catch'in cabnits. Can't find
Charlie? Check da cabnits. Dis year, he teaches Templeton how ta open
da cabnits. Charlie not do anyting in cabnits but look 'round, but
he'd make good 'ccomplice for thieving weasel!

I supposes I not mind too-too much ifs Charlie say greetings to oder
Ferrets at Heart ferrets dat crossed da Bridge. Just 'cause I grumpy
old ferret not mean he not get 'long with oders. Now dat Codo can walk
'gain, he show Charlie round, and Ayla always nursemaid-type like me.
Frost very 'timidating, but Charlie know him too, and both dem have da
congestive heart ting.

Charlie crossed da rainbow Bridge on January 9, 2012 at 6 yr. 4.5 mo.
Of age with da help of da vet, since Charlie had congestive heart
failure. I will follow in a reasonable time, ifs I is any judge,
though I am in good enough health for adrenal and Insulinoma for a
7.5-year.-old spitfire.

Yours respectfully,

Holly Ferret
Ferrets at Heart
Huron, Ohio
 ..and Rhys, Mandie, Winter, Pepe',
Holly, Templeton, Macy, & Rio

 ..and missing our Frost, Ayla, Codo, Charlie, and the many who came

[Posted in FML 7300]