Hello Everyone.

I am finally back on line between Laptop problems and being sick I
just didn't feel up to being on line. I was also in the hospital I had
phenomena. My daughter & husband couldn't wake me up to eat so they
called an ambulance. I was told that my vitals were so low they had to
work on me on the way to the hospital. I don't remember any of this.
I was up in a room before I realized that I was in the hospital. My
potassium was very low and I can't figure out why because I take two
potassium pills daily.

I was in the hospital for my birthday and I didn't get out until
December Sixteenth. I was getting concerned that I would be in the
hospital for Christmas. I was after the doctors to let me go home so
on the 16th my doctor finally let me go home.

About a week later I took a nasty fall. I have a big bruise on my back
and another one on the upper part of my hip with a big lump there. I
also got a lump on the side of my The doctor said for me to keep an
eye on it that it doesn't get any worse. If so I will have to go to a
surgeon to either get it drained if it will not drain I will have to
get it removed. I hope it goes down on it's own. I sure don't want to
have it removed. He also said that my potassium being so low probably
caused me to black out. Once I got home from the hospital I started
to feel better until DR Spelvogle told me that I have to go every two
weeks to have my blood drawn instead of once a month ouch my poor arms.
I hope my veins CO-Operate.

Yesterday I felt crappy today I feel pretty good. I went to my general
doctor today and I told him I got a nasty cold so I started taking
the amoxie I had left over. He was close to sending me back to the
hospital. He was concerned that it is turning back into phenomena so
I am back on amoxicillin again. He said that I am prone to catching
anything so I need to be careful.

Well, that is about it I hope all of you & your had a Blessed
Christmas & a Blessed New Year. You are always in my Prayers!

GOD Bless You
Hugs, Love & Prayers
Helen & All the Fur Kids

[Posted in FML 7297]