I had contacted Totally Ferret several times regarding the treats both
on FB and by email. First I was told that they were going to try baking
them and would I like some when they were made for my ferrets to try
out. Said I would, never heard anything. Next contact claimed the
baking did not go well. Then it was they needed someplace to make them.
Now the latest is they are discontinued because they can't find any
place to make them. Who made them before?? I have to say I am fast
losing my confidence in this company. You have a product that a lot of
people want and you are just giving up? I was very dismayed at this. We
should not have had to keep asking. If they were being discontinued,
then just let the public know. I don't think that was very

I have a ferret who is battling a major health problem who also would
only eat these treats. Then a friend recommended that I try Wysong
dream treats. He absolutely loves them. They are for dogs and cats and
they are big wafers, easily broken up. You might want to give them a
try. Also at Winter Nats the ferrets got a bag of bandit jerky treats
in their stocking. The new kits went ballistic over them. I am going to
try them on my picky ferret tonight. Now that I found something else
that they like. I am giving up on TF. We got the run around for a year
and now they are discontinued. Saw that coming which is why I started
looking elsewhere. Hopefully you will find something that your ferret

[Posted in FML 7266]