Sarah Senior Reporter
Possum Stepping over to Advisor
December 2011

HO! HO! HO! MERRY CHRISTMAS - That is what we heard the other night
in our shelter - then a bit of a rustle - I was too tired to worry
about what was going on but the next morning when mum came down to get
us up - wow there were presents hanging on everyone of our cages - in
pretty gift bags with our names on them - inside the bag was a toy for
each and everyone of us - Santa sure is good to us here - I never
thought coming here to live would be so much fun -

Possum Here: Hey Sarah don't forget about all the boxes that all the
secret Santas sent to us - boxes and boxes of things for us - some even
had presents in the boxes for mum - with her special food - all because
there are special elves out there that put up the giving tree for all
the shelters and their fur kids - we owe them a BIG THANK YOU for
putting up the tree and connecting the fur kids to the secret Santas!

Sarah Here: Oh yeah - mum takes pictures of all the things that come
in for us, with us opening our presents then sends the pictures to the
Santa that sent them and to Miss Mindy - Miss Mindy puts the pictures
up on our shelter site so everyone can see all the presents we got for
Christmas! Mum has a few more to get done, but most all are sent and
up on the site if you want to see them

Sarah Here: So Possum if you are still around, I think I am going to
need lots of help with this month's new letter

Possum Here: Sure Sarah I am here what do you need help with? I hope
it is not stupid stuff!

Sarah Here: Possum you stop that - you know mum does not like it when
that word is used! She will not even let the 2 legged furless kids on
her big yellow thingy use that word! Mum says there is no such thing
as stupid stuff! Stuff I do not know, stuff that I do not understand
but not STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Possum Here: Are you done with your tantrum Sarah? What is it you want
help with?

Sarah Here: Mum has numbers at the bottom of the page - what am I
supposed to do with them? The note says Webshots 327

Possum Here: oh that - the webshots site is where mum keeps all our
pictures so all our friends can see the pictures that have been taken -
here is the link for that place -
anyway once a month webshots sends mum a report telling her how many
humans went to that link to look at our pictures - so last month 327
humans went there to look at what pictures are there - since mum set
that page up there have been 51,221 views - that is a lot of views
and humans!

Sarah Here: Wow that is a big number - thanks for explaining that for

Miss Brie came over one day to help mum pull some lumber out of the
barn - mum had a friend coming over to help her fix the garage roof -
they needed that lumber so Miss Brie said she would help mum get it
out - once they got that done mum and Miss Brie put up the 5' bamboo
curtain between the kitchen and the dining room - so when it is really
cold mum can keep the heat in our play area better for us - before
Miss Brie left she told mum she was a skitzo - mum was off the wall
that day - we are lucky that Miss Brie loves us and mum so she just
shakes her head and laughs at mum when she gets goofy as we call it -

Oh! Oh! Miss Jackie is back! She stopped in to see us just before
Christmas - we are so glad to see her looking so good and all better!
Welcome back Miss Jackie we missed you!

Possum Here: Miss Ili and Mr Bob are leaving to go south for the
winter - Miss Priscilla and my boy friend Ralphie call them snow
birds - I am not sure why they do not have wings and they do not
fly - but that is what they call humans that go south for the winter.

Sarah Here: well Possum did you know I got personal messages from the
humans that read the news last month? Here is what I got -

Hi Brenda, tell Sarah she did a great job for her first time and
Possum was a good advisor! Marcia

Great edition of the Master Largo news! Sarah is getting off to a
wonderful start, under the watchful eye of Ms. Possum--of course!

Sarah, I think you did a great job with the news your first time out!
You go, little girl!!! Far-away mom, Bonnie

Possum Here: Sure Sarah - that is what happens when you become the
senior reporter - you get told all kinds of things - that is great -
do you mind if I add a bit of news?

Sarah Here: I guess if I am going to ask you to help it would be nice
if you did add some news so sure go ahead -

Possum Here: Thanks Sarah you're not so bad after all - I thought I was
going to get grief from you about it - Miss Marcia and Miss Mindy came
the same day to help mum move the small freezer from the back room to
another room so mum can pay closer attention to it - then they helped
move the picnic table out of the back yard to the garage for winter -
where mum thought she wanted the freezer was not working - so Miss
Mindy came down the next day to help mum move the freezer to a better
place - easier and safer for mum to have access to it -

Sarah Here: there have been some new kids come in and some kids go
out - the new girls Miku and Kiwi now have one more room they can not
be in - Miku jumped the barrier from the library to the kitchen - she
will also jump from the kitchen to the library - pretty soon mum will
need to hang them from the ceiling to keep them where she wants them.
mum says the longer they are here the better at staying put they are
getting - Frankie came in too - he was found abandoned Miss Brie and
Miss Mindy got him picked up, vetted and delivered to the shelter.
Mum says he is a young' in. We have had lots of help and new folks
stop by - Miss Donna, Miss Mindy in to help, Miss Jeanie B stopped
in with lots and lots of things for us fur kids, Miss Victoria G and
Miss Aretta and her son stopped by, Miss Rikki a high school kid that
rides mums big yellow thingy came to help too.

Possum Here: Miss Ili was here to work in the shelter while mum was
in the kitchen baking for turkey day - Miss Patty sent us 24 jars of
turkey baby food for our special turkey day - then one Sunday afternoon
Miss Genevieve B, Charlie and Reilly K. came to help cut nails and
weigh us fur kids - mum likes to get us weighed once a month - Miss EB
and her family stopped by that same day to pick up their Theodora -
she is a guinea pig mum watches when they need to go away - that same
day Maxim and Pudgy went home with Charlie and Reilly K. to their new
4-ever home.

Sarah Here: my turn, mum took the morning off to get and keep the
shelter caught up so she could take Stevie to Doc. but the plan had to
change so mum, took him to Avon to meet Miss Mindy so Miss Mindy could
run him into Doc. Stevie had a mass on his penis called a preputial
adenoma, or preputial adenocarcinoma it needed to be removed. The mass
went from kidney bean size to large marble in 2 weeks time. Stevie is
doing great now our favorite Doc got him all fixed up! The fur kid that
was supposed to come in on Saturday did not show up, but came in on
Sunday - her dad said he had to work. Mum says Daisy is skinny and
tiny - nails far too long - wants an enormous amount of attention -
nippy but mum says that should stop once she realizes she will get
the attention she desires - mum says Daisy is afraid of hands, that
the humans that had her told mum they tried everything to get her
to stop biting - mum says obviously it was punitive not positive
reinforcement - Daisy is doing awesome with mum - no bites, loves to
dance and play, does not hurt mum in any way! Miss Susann T. came to
pick up her fur kids from camp - she left with Penny so Penny has a
new 4-ever home!

Possum Here: So Sarah did you notice that you have everything mum had
at the bottom of this news letter covered and done? You did it girl -
see that was not so bad was it?

Sarah Here: Really? We are done? Wow - I guess that was not so hard
after all - thanks Possum for helping me get this done - we sure had
a lot going on this last month huh? We are really lucky fur kids to
have so many humans love us and help mum take care of us -

Possum Here: yup! Yup! Yup! We sure are - do you know that the next
time we do the news that it will be a brand new year? that it will be
2012? We need to be done with this news but say to all the humans out
there >>>>>
Happy Happy New Year!!!!
Sarah senior reporter 
Possum advisor
Newest Shelter Video
Shelter Video
Fur kids with new homes
The Giving Effect

[Posted in FML 7287]