First of all I sure hope all you furkids, ferrents had a great
Christmas and have a very great New Year.

I have a couple "so-called" friends that think I am cruel and should
let my Princess Anna go the Rainbow Bridge. I ask them this - would
you put your 8 1/2 yr. old child down because she is blind?

She still gets around the house, finds her food and water dishes,
potties kind of close to the paper (ok, where ever she wants), bumps
into things. She even goes up and down the ramp to the sleep cage. She
doesn't play anymore or war dances, but still gives wonderful kisses
and likes to cuddle with me and snooze on the rocker. She fast walks
down the carpet in the hall, one day she even galloped, I think she
wants to stay here and take care of BG and me, she really doesn't care
one way or the other for the dog who's only been here for 4 months.

My question - Why can't people keep their opinions to themselves.
Mommie Princess isn't ready to go to the Bridge, we already had "the"
talk and told her that her Sir Lancelot was there and how pretty it

Thanks for listening, wtg BIG on your anniversary of FML. You do a
fantastic job.

Carol in Oregon
Princess, BG, Maggie the dog

[Posted in FML 7286]