I am a fairly new ferret owner (8 months)....first of all I want thank
you all for helping me learn so much by "creeping" the FML these past
several months....its helped so much!

My real issue for writing today is...I found a flea on one if our
ferrets...which I'm sure means many fleas...(we have a babysitter for
our child who I just found out has an infested house...and this may
be the source)... : /

We have no other pets besides our two ferrets...and mostly wood
floors...I keep reading about vaccuming...bathing etc...and various
arguments for and against different flea control products...but the
information is very conflicting...

I prefer natural/non-pesticide options if possible...

Any advice?

Thank you in advance!!

Chase & Bella's Mom

[Posted in FML 7286]