First Comment:

Although, I understand the reason for the deadline for the tree being
extended, the later it goes, the later santas have to send and hope
they make it in time, especially to Canada shelters. As to why everyone
does not yet have santas, the economy is poor in so many places. I was
only able help a few babies in the past couple years. This year I chose
20 ferrets from the tree (overextended myself) which I normally would
never be able to afford, but I received a small unexpected stipend last
month, and have few people to buy for, so I am more than willing to
help the ferrets and shelters. I wish I could help the shelters more,
but at least I can make a few ferrets happy.

My Question:

I have an adrenal ferret (Lulu age 7) doing very well on Lupron. The
other (Hazel age 5) has been her littermate for many years. Lulu slowed
down a bit due to adrenal, but Hazel had a great playmate in Rosco, who
just crossed the bridge. So Hazel is sad and not as playful right now
and she is losing weight. She shows no signs of illness, Just sleeps
with Lulu a lot. No fur loss. No diarrhea. I have them both on Duck
soup I get from South Shore Ferret Care because it has a lot of
nutrients in it, plus I add ferretvite and ferretone, as well as
chicken baby food. What else can I give to help Hazel gain some weight?
She has always been a tiny girl, but is a bit too thin right now.

My Search:

I want to find 2 more ferrets to add to my family, preferably male but
not necessary. I definitely would like a DEW or marked white. I love
those big fluffy guys - they remind me of little polar bears and they
always have a gentle personality. I am from Massachusetts and have
been looking but not successful yet. Anyone know of any available?

I have had ferrets for over 20 years and just this past couple years
have run into issues I never had before, so it's like being new at it
all over again.

Does anyone know why Petfinder website has been suspended? I used to
find some there.


[Posted in FML 7262]