Fuzz Tail, the ferret, wanted to be home for Christmas. The tree was so
much fun to climb, and there were ornaments to stash, candy canes to
taste and presents to steal. Oh, how she loved the presents, the boxes,
and the piles of wrapping paper to snorkel through. Her mouth was
watering at the thought of all the extra treats, even if she was caught
doing a fuzzy no-no. She sure missed her warm morning gravy and her
persons snuggles, and her furry room mates. She knew it was a bad idea
to run outside that day, but it was just too tempting for a curious
fert to resist. The little boy hadn't meant to let her out, or make her
run to hide when he yelled. She couldn't remember when she'd become
lost, but knew it was a fact that she was out of her element.

It was starting to get dark and cold. It was time, she thought, to find
a place to pass the night. There were big scary things out here in
the woods, and she needed a spot to hole up in. She found a sheltered
hollow filled with fragrant dried leaves, and curled up to sleep. That
empty feeling in her middle threatened to keep her awake, but she was
so exhausted, she fell asleep shivering from the cold.

In her dreams visions of her persons smiling face, her warm sleep sack,
all her buddies to snuggle and all the crunchies stashed in her hidey
holes kept appearing. When she would reach out for them with her paw,
they would disappear, and this made her cry out. Where was her loving
person? Where did her sleepy sack and crunchies go? Where were her
furry friends? She missed them all so much. She woke whimpering for
all that she had lost.

It was a new day, and she decided to search for something to eat, after
she took care of the necessary. The trouble with the outdoors was it
had no corners. She eventually found some berries the birds had missed,
and at least it took away some of the ache in her stomach. She kept
hoping to see home just around the next bend. She felt like she had
wandered forever, but she couldn't seem to remember which way to go.
All to soon it was growing dark again, and starting to snow. She looked
and looked for a place to lay her head. Everywhere she turned, she
could find no shelter from the cold night air. Finally she saw a large
pine tree, and decided it would have to do, she couldn't walk much
farther. She started to shiver violently as she curled up among the
pine needles. She started to drift off, wishing with all her might that
she could find her warm safe home. She thought of all the love she'd
been shown, and how very, very much she missed her person. As the
luminous snow flakes floated to the ground in the pale moonlight, she
wished again to find her special person, and closed her eyes.

Sandy and the Dook City Gang

[Posted in FML 7283]