Last week I wrote of a little ferret who is now with us named Nibbles.
For some reason we never seem to have just one name for a ferret. She
quickly became Nibbie and today I decided to rhyme Nibbie with Libby
and then I decided to officially call her Libby Nibbie Ryan. The Libby
is for the One and Only Libby Nelson in Texas. Yes, that quiet,
generous overworked librarian who helps ferrets with a variety of
donations, from money to cool little ferret toys and snuggly little
beds - like the one Jillie Feet Ryan is sleeping in today!

Additionally, 2011 has brought more conversations with that Whacky Weyr
Ferret Lady out west. In a conversation about different ferrets like
Lovey and Belle that I chased across two counties to get after Lovey
bit a worker at Lollypop and broke skin. I tried all kinds of things
to get them to come here for help for Lovey's social issues. No way -
can't be done. (I've heard that before.) I hooked up with the little
shelter they were transferred to, offered advice for a few weeks - they
had little luck. I made my move - I offered to become a foster Mom for
them. They couldn't hand off these two kiddos to me fast enough, Lovey
was on a tear biting everyone and biting hard! I can't remember her
name at the time, I thought Queen Boudica from the Roman Empire period
was appropriate. QB was a tough cookie, a female warrior. After talking
with Brenda Weyr and hearing about her ferret Lovey, I thought, I call
lots of my ferrets "little loves" or "lovies" all the time. How about

Well, I will be forever grateful for those conversations for many
reasons, but for Lovey it was a name that changed her life! She lives
up to it everyday. She does however reside with Tag also known as
Chompers!! They don't bite the hand that feeds them but they do love
Poppa's feet. I have since purchased Anti-Chompers slippers for him!!

Thank you ladies for your inspiration in naming my ferrets.


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