I have always treated adrenal disease in my ferrets with Lupron.
(except my 1st for which I had surgery). Now my little girl who has
been on Lupron for 5-6 months and has been doing well, has a swollen
vulva and anus. Her hind legs are also getting a bit worse. Does this
mean the treatment is no longer helping?

I have never done (or wanted to do) implants, but it looks like it may
come to that. Or surgery, but I'm afraid she may be too frail for that.

This is a true dilemma for me. I'm not sure I trust my vet - am seeking
new one for ferrets. She is a 7 year old sable. Her name is Lulu. I
want her to live as long as she can without compromising her quality
of life. It's too soon to lose another one. All feedback is welcome.

Please suggest where I get these implants and how much they cost.


[Posted in FML 7282]