As of this posting, Wednesday evening, there are 58 ferrets still
needing Santa's. We are doing a great job! The tree is almost clear.
I know many people are picking multiples and taxing their finances,
as the little ones pull on their Christmas heartstrings. If you have
not yet picked a ferret, please consider going to the tree- The link
is , and picking one or two. The deadline for
mailing packages in time for Christmas is this week, MAYBE Monday.
Gift cerficates, this week.

Chinook is a ferret listed on page 59. He passed to the bridge last
year, but has a wonderful message behind his picture, and his shelter
has two ferrets in their care that they do not have posted, if anyone
is interested in reading and helping.

If someone, or person(s) in Canada could help out with the remaining
Canadian ferrets, that would be greatly appreciated- The Ferret Aid
Society in Ontario has Portia left, and The Ferret Rescue Society of
Ottowa has Tibbles, Syrah, and Martha. We have no time to get anything
there from the States by Christmas. I'm sure they extend a Happy
Dookmas to all as well.

As far as the two shelters asking specifically for monetary donations,
I'm sure they also need everyday items for their fuzzies and would be
appreciative of packages and/or gift certificates. NBones, Ferretone,
Ferretvite, Food, Bedding, Toys- Anyone with ferrets knows the drill.
I'm quite sure gift certificates would be appreciated as well. If you
are unsure, but still want to help, but may not have specific money
to give, please contact the shelter and ask what they need or use
regularly. No need to leave them out, and as of right now, they both
have the largest number of unpicked fuzzies. It can be a Merry
Christmas for all:-)

Please also remember that even a $10 donation, gift, or gift
certificate will be appreciated. For those of you who are unsure about
this, look at it this way: #1: If you get several of those, they can
add up, and #2: If it is a choice between remaining without a Santa or
getting a nice $10 gift for your ferret, which do you pick? Times are
tough, and the shelters know this better than all of us- they can do
amazing things with a little bit.

Happy picking!!!!!!

 .....Because Nice matters.

[Posted in FML 7274]