Hello Everyone in FML Land!

I want to wish you and yours the warmest wishes of the season!

I wanted to share some info with you all. My beloved big boy Osteen a
cinnamon and almost 4 lbs. crossed the rainbow bridge a couple of weeks
ago. As I passed the playpen connected to the Ferret Nation Cage, I saw
Osteen looking for a place to settle down. He went from the sleep sack
to his favorite heavy duty plastic shopping bag that crinkles to under
the ramp leading to the cage and next to a bed. He laid back and his
head and arms rolled a bit to the side. I said you finally found a
place to get comfortable.

Osteen was estimated to be 4 yrs old just over a year ago, so 5 plus
now. He was found at a horse barn in Chuluota Fl. Osteen was every ones
movie buddy! All of us could pass him around and he would sleep in your
arms. I called him my surfer dude others called him a stoner. Either
way Osteen always looked up as you walked by with his huge pink nose!

Well, I came back into the room after about an hour and decided to give
him a scratch on the belly and pick him up. I touch his tummy and got
pee pee on my hand. I commented, "Osteen, you always clean up. What's
up?" I found out he had passed laying in the same position I found
him. As hurt as I was for his loss, I thanked the good Lord he went
peacefully and quickly. I pray for the same for myself and those I
love. No suffering. The night before I just clipped his nails with
Ferret Tone on his tummy and put a pic on Facebook.

He is gone and Dooking up a storm at the Rainbow Bridge with all of
your fuzzies too! They are whole and happy!

Well, I have two new ferrets. The irony to all of this was the first
new ferret was coming at 1pm from a family and Osteen passed about
10:30 that morning. How did he know? What was known? Osteen would have
done well with this ferret.

The ferret that arrived was, yes the one and only Frank Zappa. That is
right people for those of you that believe in reincarnation Frank Zappa
is now a ferret! I guess the mustache led him to it! LOL He is having
trouble adjusting to the other ferrets and attacking them so bad he
lifts them up as I am scruffing him trying to lift him away from the

They are in playpens next to each other and they are rotated through
the small playpen, big playpen and Ferret Nation cage. Everyone gets
playtime in the ferret proofed family room or living room separated by
a playpen as a gate. They can see each other and smell each other.

I also now have Blake Benson Baer! He is a seven month old male sable
Marshall ferret gotten from Craigslist and he gets along with the

Can anyone add some advice on dealing with the attacks from Frank Zappa
towards the others?

Here are videos of my ferrets and a new one on the way! You will see
and meet Frank Z. and Blake!

Ferret Nation cage and play pen set up!

A talking poodle telling you about the fuzzy family!

Winter version of my cage!

May goodness and peace be in your heart!

Michaelann, (Duncan and Truffles poodles) (Lily, Lil' Bit, Frank Z and
Blake the ferts!)

[Posted in FML 7268]