I did it - but not without the help of other Sweet Hoomans. I knew
I iked Ferrety Hoomans for their sense of humor & how they help
each other out in time of need. I did not know that this extended
to strays - of the 2 legged, furless kind.

I'm better than this & my mother always told me the longer you wait
to say Thank You the less sincere & it doesn't means as much. Please
forgive me for the length of time it took to say this. It doesn't mean
that I am any less appreciated of what all of you did. I've been really
busy enjoying his company, which I'm sure you all can relate to. I'll
try my best to make this as gracious as I can.

Quick background - instead of a 6 hour drive to Dooktoberfest, it was
a 12 hour drive with 3 hours of that being lost & backtracking through
a state & a half in the snow storm Alfred. By the time I arrived, the
breeder had figured I couldn't make it & we never exchanged phone
numbers for communications. I was so upset, I can't remember my being
this upset in my life. I had waited a long time to get him & was going
to have to wait even longer for another opportunity.

Suzy, THANK YOU SO MUCH. I've been thinking about this email all week &
what I'd say - Words can not effectively describe my gratefulness &
appreciation. The fact that you even talked to a complete stranger is
amazing in this day & age. Especially one that is flipping out. But to
take the time to make all the calls you had to make to get a message
through. Especially since you were trying to pack up & I'm sure that
you were truly exhausted from all the travel, show & people. You were
kind to me & that I'll never forget. I'm sorry I can't repay your
goodness & everything you put up with to help me.

Lynne, it was a pleasure to meet you in person. I knew of the work you
(& other Shelters/Hospice/Sanctuaries') do for the babies & always
thought some day I would love to do that. Well that day won't be able
to happen until I retire & then on a limited basis. But when that day
arrives, remember I'm doing because of you, others like you & my love
for them. I wish I could do more now to help these creatures who have
no one else around them. They don't deserve what happens in their life,
yet they take their life & live it with a zest unmatched by anyone or

To every other single Hooman in that group - I don't want to exclude
you, for you tried to make me feel at rest & assure me everything will
work out. I'm sure the whole group of you would have loved to have just
gone bed. But you took me out to dinner with you & stayed with me until
the breeder called back. THE BIGGEST THANK YOU I'VE EVER GIVEN

Nose & Whisker kisses to all of you for turning a disaster around.

To everyone else out there in Ferret Land & beyond.

I only have one comment - FERRET PEOPLE ARE THE BEST!!!!! There is NO
OTHER GROUP OF HOOMANS like you!!!!! I knew you were good people, I
knew you were crazy people. But to take a complete & udder stranger
under their paws, to assure a hysterically crazy person (who you don't
know) that all will be OK & then make it OK. What can I say? You are
truly incredible people.

I owe them & will never be able to repay them their kindness nor
generosity. I wish I could do for them, something, anything. I'm
sorry I couldn't even afford to buy their dinners for them.

From the amazed,
The Good.

[Posted in FML 7236]