Hello Ferret Friends,
It's time again for the SOS Thanksgiving Card Exchange. In the past the
Thanksgiving Card Exchange has been in honor of ferret shelters and the
dedicated people who run them. Because the Card Exchange participation
is down, it would be difficult to it as it has been done in the past.
So this exchange will still be dedicated to ferret shelters, but this
year we are going to do something a bit different.

When people sign up, and instead of putting their own name up, they
would put up the name of their favorite shelter. The one stipulation
is that the shelter must be on the SOS shelter list.

When the lists go out, that shelter would get the cards rather than
the people. At the end of the exchange, I will draw a name from the
shelters that you selected, and that shelter would be the lucky winner
of that card exchanges donations.

If you are new to the SOS Card Exchanges, you can find out more here.

Please come join us. Let's show the shelter operators how much we
appreciate everything thing they do for ferrets. Deadline to sign up
is Friday November 18th.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

Happy Thanksgiving
Robin Jones

[Posted in FML 7234]