Just found out that we were having a problem with our web site and did
not realize it until today.

Anyone that had tried to contact us via the " Contact Us " section of
the web site, it was not working properly so if you had tried to use it
please send it again even though it seemed as if it was working, we did
not receive any until a person contacted us about it. So Please Try It
Again. http://www.ferrettower.com

For those who have asked where our ferrets are on the Giving Tree, our
ferrets are not on the giving tree - we have a small auction up now at
http://ferretvilla.blogspot.com/ which ends on Sunday, December 11th at
midnight. On our web site we have a donate button for those that want
to help out towards the vet bill.

Our ferrets agree to remain off the Giving Tree each year, that is
there way of giving and in return those ferrets that need so very much
have the chance to have a Secret Santa. Our ferrets get to choose from
the Giving Tree to be Secret Santas to others.

So once again please re-send the form, " Contact Us " so we do not miss
any questions from the web site.

Cindy, Tom, & The Ferret Villa Shelter, Inc. ferrrets

[Posted in FML 7259]