I thought for sure by now that I could safely start reading the FML
again without having to see comments about my post on aloe vera juice.
I am glad there are at least a couple other people who feel this has
gone on long enough.

The point is whether you believe in natural/herbal treatment or just
believe conventional treatment is the only thing that works, you have
to be open-minded enough to let other people have their views and try
different treatments that might work, because, just like conventional
medicine, natural/herbal medicine does not always work for everyone or
every ferret or every animal. By being open-minded to trying new
things, you just might add some quality of life to your pet and find
something that complements the conventional route you have taken with
your pet.

A lot of conventional medications have the potential for toxicity if
taken wrong, does this mean we shouldn't take them? A common side
effect of antidepressants is suicidal thoughts, does that mean that
people with depression shouldn't be treated?

The problem with ferret owners is that most of them are close-minded
and feel that their way is the only way and their beliefs are the only
correct beliefs. I have been blessed with not 1, but 3 vets who believe
in trying anything conventional or natural/herbal if there is a
potential that it would make a better life for the animal. I don't just
start treating my ferrets, or myself, without first talking to the vet
or my doctor. When I talk to them, I bring in documentation supporting
what I want to do and ask that we give things 3 months and if, in that
time, nothing has changed or it seems to not be working, then we could
discontinue it.

I have a Bachelor's degree in Medical Technology. I work with
physicians and ask lots of questions to learn new things every day,
so I am not an uneducated person.

I rapidly learned, after joining the FML almost 5 years ago, that a lot
of ferret owners are unwilling to learn from what other people have
experienced with their ferrets and incorporate that information into
their knowledge of ferrets. That being said, I have met lots of owners
who are open-minded and willing to try natural/herbal treatments on
their ferrets with excellent results. If there was no value to treating
a pet with natural remedies, then why is there a natural vet in my area
who has clients all over the country come to see her?

As for me, I will continue to try anything that will make my girls live
a fuller, healthier, happier life, whether with conventional medication
or natural/herbal medication. I know that milk thistle helps the liver.
I know that aloe vera juice helps slowly diurese my ferret. I know that
if I did not give her these things, she would not be with me almost 2
years out from her diagnoses of adrenal disease, insulinoma and more
recently lymphoma. I know that before we started these
medications/treatments, she could not walk, play or run. I know that
she is happier now and living a fuller life with these
medications/treatments. I know that she can still beat up my friend's
ferret if he gets in her face. I know that she would have died long
ago without these interventions. I also have before and after pictures
for proof of the differences so that I can show the nonbelievers.

So, what we have learned from this is that aloe vera juice, because of
the way it is treated, is NOT toxic to ferrets, be open-minded when
encountering new ideas and stop being judgemental.

[Moderator's note: I think there have been more posts complaining
about aloe vera responses than there have been aloe vera responses.
And to me, anyhow, the discussion (but not the complaints) has been
valuable. [Shrugs].  BIG]

[Posted in FML 7257]