Randie, thank you for posting the article you found about the Triple F

Early on I talked with both the law enforcement officer at the SPCA
for Bradford County and the Chief Detective for the D.A.'s Office.
Even then I was not very confident much would change as the strongest
penalty available was the summary citation. That is kind of like
getting a ticket for having your head light burned out here in NYS. If
you get it fixed you can return to the court or often the court clerk
and they will cancel the ticket when you verify your headlight has been

The concern I have is that THE SINGLE Law Enforcement Officer for the
SPCA in Bradford County has 1,161 miles of territory to cover and
62,622 folks to deal with. One officer for all that - sad. She will
make her visits because she is conscientious and she will be expected
to report to the D.A.'s office. D.A. Dan Barrett has a history of being
tough so let us hope he can truly affect a change in the behavior of
Jack Fallenstein and those he chooses to employ and now hopefully,
educate. Pennsylvania however, like many states has a long way to go
before their laws really protect the animals.

Still saying prayers for the animals at Triple F.


Feed rescued animals in two clicks

[Posted in FML 7254]