Here at the shelter, I have a lot of things to be thankful for and
here's just one of the God given many:

Volunteer: "A person who chooses freely to do or offer to do something"
They left off "with a lot of love".

This past weekend precious volunteers took over total operation of
Denise's Delightful Dookers Ferret Rescue and "kicked me out" (it's in
my home....lololol). A young man (Alec) had an idea, talked with other
volunteers and they all agreed----I needed a break (I sure didn't

I got to have a wonderful early Thanksgiving with family on Saturday
and a very nice visit with a precious friend on Sunday. I proceeded
late Sunday afternoon to take 2 cat naps.----not used to all the
running around.

I wanted to share this because I'm so appreciative and proud to call
these volunteers my friends. Their high work standard and love for
the fuzzies spills over onto each other and it's so neat to hear them
talking, laughing, yelling when nipped, sharing ideas and working
together to ensure the best for our ferrets. Jordan (high school
student) commented that we all were like "extended family" and he
enjoyed volunteering here with all the neat people. I totally agree
with you Jordan.

Sadenna, Rebecca (drives 1 hr), Mike, Alec (college student), Jordan,
Marcy (travels by bus-1 hour), Pate, Lisa S., Lisa F., Christina,
Cindy, Summer (emergency task person), Kenn, Kenny, Maranda (works
at Petco), Jenn (printer extraordinaire), Carolyn (website guru).
You are all loved and greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!

Oodles of ferret kisses

Denise Cummings
Denise's Delightful Dookers
Ferret Rescue & Shelter
253-797-9115 Shelter Phone

[Posted in FML 7252]