Ferret Friends of Tucson, Arizona will be having our Fall Ginny Childs
Memorial Picnic on Sunday, November 13 at Fort Lowell Park in Tucson.
The park is at the northeast corner of Craycroft and Glenn Street, and
we will be there from noon to 4 or so. Ginny, our founder, passed away
six years ago on October 29 and was well known for her ferret knowledge
and leadership as well as her earlier pets such as her coati mundi,

Ferrets will be welcome at the picnic but must have proof of distemper
vaccination in the last year. Bring your paperwork; it will be checked.
Fun matches will be held if we have enough interest. Often we have
enough fun just chatting with other ferret people and never get around
to games. Fort Lowell Park is very grassy with a small duck pond nearby
and plenty of shade.

The picnic will be pot luck with burgers and hot dogs provided, as well
as table service and soda. So come join the fun and meet some other
ferret folks. If you would rather not bring your ferrets bring a photo
so we can admire your pets.

Carol J. Owens,
Ferret Friends, Inc.
Tucson AZ

[Posted in FML 7230]