If anyone has used Azathioprine (Imuran) before with a ferret, can you
give me some info on your experience with it? Specifically, did it
help? How long did it take before you began to see it helping? Did the
ferret then have to stay on it for the rest of its life? I'm using it
for the first time now with Dozer and I'm trying to get some ideas. So
far it has not helped after his fourth daily dose. I realize that all
ferrets are different, but any information is appreciated.

In Loving Memory of Neo, Trinity, Morphy, Possum, Pip, Pop, Sabrina,
Minnie Mouse, Hunny, Misty, Frodo, Baggins, and Mr. Parker
Caring for Luna, Baby Girl, Dozer, Boomer, and Zoomer 

[Posted in FML 7241]