Good Morning FML:

This is Kris from the Giving Tree and here are the Stats of the giving
tree at the time of this post:

 17 Shelters have posted their babies
 11 Giving trees
165 Ferrets on the trees
 70 Ferrets waiting for a Santa
 95 Ferrets have Santa's

Tree  1 -  1 still need Santa's
Tree  2 -  1 still need Santa's
Tree  3 -  4 still need Santa's
Tree  4 -  6 still need Santa's
Tree  5 -  2 still need Santa's
Tree  6 -      Complete
Tree  7 -  2 still need Santa's
Tree  8 - 13 still need Santa's
Tree  9 - 14 still need Santa's
Tree 10 - 15 still need Santa's
Tree 11 - 11 still need Santa's

Thank You For Being that Special Santa

Kris S Mewton - [log in to unmask]
Tree Helper

[Posted in FML 7228]