Try fittting this into your daily schedule....

caring for over 186 adoptable ferrets with more coming in than ever
going out anymore...

Try living in a huge home and only having a couple rooms without cages
upon cages of ferrets.. every morning waking up after a lovely dream
of maybe someday actually having a life to... phones ringing off the
hook 24/7 with people needing you to take their sick ferret because
they can't afford it or just no longer want it. Stumbling out of bed
greeting a huge remodled bedroom packed to the brim with multiple
ferrets in ferret cages, feeling like crap because that sleep you
thought you had didn't happen for fear those squeals you heard may be
a new insulinomic ferret or a seizure from one already diagnosed.. but
which one?? Try remembering which med goes to which ferret and what
time to who... just the tip.... That's before coffee........... Some
fun life, huh?????

A huge amount of these ferrets are going to live here the rest of their
lives, let's be honest so we haven't even included them in the number
186..... 186..... 186....... 186.... The number is 186 ADOPTABLE...

Who comes to a shelter and adopts the fierce biters, elderly, adrenal,
insulinomic, etc.... Try having an outstanding vet bill so high, you
can no longer see a Vet without cash in hand.. Yes... that's right..
no current vet care without cash for 186 adoptable ferrets.. not to
mention the sick ferrets needing vet care the unadoptables...

Do any of you really, fully understand just how many 186 adoptable
ferrets are????

Food alone for these ferrets is roughly $800 a month... Pellets are
another $160 That's $960. 00 each month, and climbing... just to

This is insane...

When I first talked to Chris from the Oregon City Shelter, we just
chatted, she told me about hubby Dave and how he's having a horrible
time getting around now, often forgetting his walker when he struggles
to go to work each day.. (without income from Dave, there would
probably be NO words... but omg..)

Chris, herself you might remember has been through many heartwrenching
tragedies the past 8 years......... from the unimaginable, losing her
infant grandson and herself and daughter having their bodies mangled in
a head on collision while picking up a couple ferrets, to falling last
year and remangling her leg they thought they had repaired.. She spent
months in a wheelchair while still running this huge shelter/sanctuary.
It's never really healed. She still has constant pain. But thank God...
she NEVER gave up... 

I'm sorry, I'm back... I just sat and cried my eyes out again..

Since talking to Chris a few days ago I haven't really known what
to do... I knew I had to do something but no idea what.. Hitting
the Lotto hasn't worked in 35 years...

We are once again in a CRISIS... Will it happen again?? Sure... This
economy has all shelters on the brink of closing their doors. We tho,
as caring, loving humans need to do something.. These ANGELS do all
the work.. my gawd!

Here's where I'm going to ask for your combined help..

Kim Reynolds is the Oregon City Shelters Event and Volunteer
Coordinater.. what a lovely young woman!!

She and I are going to team together (sort of... she gets the hard
part... ;)))

We are going to hold a RAFFLE.. But DON'T YOU DARE CALL IT THAT you
must NOW refer to this as a "fundraising event"... (due to Paypal and
Googles silly new gambling rules:( I find this goofy but we don't want
our funds seized...

In order to hold a fundraising event....... we need
This is where you can help;))) Please help us????

Ferret things are most wanted because they generally get the most
bids.... However we are always open to any bidable new item.... maybe
something you bought and didn't use but you think may bring in money to
help? Maybe something you make or sell?? Those of you who generously
helped us with Cindy's raffle I'm begging, too??? Actually I'm begging
everyone..... please..??

Please take a good picture of your item and email it to
[log in to unmask]
With a description of what it is and an approximate worth....
They will then be adding it to their raffle website and when it's
completely finished, we will be announcing our fundraiser:))

I do know many of you have nothing to donate and maybe have no talent
(me;) and would rather help in a different way??? No worries... I kept
you in my thoughts..... ;))))))

Donations of money can be made through chip in....
Just go to: 
and funds will be directly be deposited into their Paypal account..

Gift certificates are very appreciated for any of the below:

Drs Fosters and Smith.. if you send them a gift certificate they will
receive a 10% discount if they use it. Supreme Choice is their main
food of choice now.. gives them a 20% discount if they do the ordering
so a gift certificate made out to the Oregon City Ferret SHELTER or
OCFS sent online would be fantastic!

Costco is where they buy the Kirklands dry catfood so any denomination
gift card would be great....

Lowes are where they buy their pellets and believe me, there's alot of
pooping going on!! Gift certificates can be purchased at
Made out to the Oregon City Ferret Shelter or the OCFC...

I'm sorry this has been so long winded... So much to say... I'm not
sure one expresses the true heartache they feel to do with what the
shelters are going through... So many are suffering... Even if we do
this one shelter at a time, I do believe we can really make a
difference... Let's start here???

Thanks so much... you have no idea how much this means to everyone
involved.... we are most gracious..

For concerns or questions your best bet would be to contact Kim at
[log in to unmask] or me...

Sending our Love, Hugs, Prayers... and HUGE THANK YOU'S... :))

Tara, Kim, Chris and 186 adoptable ferrets who need your help....

PS... PLEASE cross post the info here to all address books, Yahoo
groups, Facebook Walls and Groups and every bathroom wall you can
think of:))))

Bless you...

[Posted in FML 7204]