Dear David,

Again, as with every greeting that I have done over the past few weeks,
I am so sorry for it's lateness. SaraFerret is on leave because of
her beloved family needs her and 421 is having Bad Bridge Internet
Connections. So that leaves little, fuzzy, albino me, and I am doing
the very best my little paws can handle, and it has been quite a bit
these days.

I had been pondering the words for me next greeting when I heard this
"thump" on my front porch. Now I *knew* that particular sound, because
I had not only heard about it, but had heard it myself, it was a "Bubba
Jump", and that meant that Big Vinnie was at my door, and that I best
answer it quickly!

So I did!

And there Big Vinnie was, and on his left shoulder sat this small
Siberian Dwarf Hamster - as you can guess it was Mr. Waddsworth! Who
then proceeded to jump down from his perch and run right up to me, and
then run up my leg and right onto my shoulder and he pointed his tiny
little finger at me and said!

"Where is dis greeting you promise my Father? He is waiting, and
waiting and wants that greeting now, you understand weasel?", and
he poked me right on my pink nose!

I just nodded quickly, and showed him in and just as quickly I showed
him the greeting I was currently working on, and it was indeed for
Georgie! I explained to him the same as I had to you and while I still
got a bit of the Russian Stink Eye, he told me we best get to it and

I think all that was missing from this speech was some great quote
like "Ferrets & Hamsters are our most valuable natural resource for
love!", but I wasn't waiting on that and went right on out the door,
and straight to the Bridge.

Along the way we met a few recognizable faces, there was Odin, and
Vanessa, and yes Georgie the First, who all went on talking about
Shadow and Frankie the Rat and what an awesomely, brave dare devil,
and all around He-Ferret for going out on his own to "live the way of
the wild fuzz" - you could tell the guys were jealous and I have to
admit I was just a tad bit jealous myself, just a tad, but I tried the
out doors once and it took me two seconds standing on cold cement to
cure me of that notion forever. Then of course Big Vinnie who went on
about being the bigger half of the terror twins and how his stash of
toilet plungers could make a world's record, and how much he and the
First Georgie were going to give the Second Georgie such noogie that
he would end up with permanent ferret-bed hair!

We had a good laugh over that and finally made our way to the Bridge,
only it wasn't as Bridge-like as I was use to. Ummm, it was more
Italian, old mafia, restaurant type. I mean red checked table clothes,
dangling garlic, white apron-ed fuzzit waiters, the whole nine yards,
something like that Rao's!!! And you could hear someone that sounded
like Tony Bennett singing in the back ground..... and seated at the
best table in the place was non other then the Second Georgie himself,
with plate filled with foamy fries and warm duck gravy on top of it
and he was really pigging out.

Everyone came in and took their places around the table and dug into
the best meal we all had in the longest time and just talked the
evening away about you and Joe and of course Frankie the Rat, and I
even heard a "Badda Bing" from somewhere off in the distance.

So even though it took me a bit, you can see that Georgie is here, and
among his loved ones, and missing you madly. He told me to tell you,
they ALL told me to tell you that they love you, and in truth, it was
you were the one who found a way into their hearts and filling them
too, and not just once but forever you'd be there and they wouldn't
have it any other way!

In Love & In Comfort,

Pie O' Pah

To Quote The Doctor: Roast beef. Bananas. The Medusa Cascade. Bang!
Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, TARDIS! Shamble bobble dibble
dooble. Oh, Doctor, you're so handsome! Yes, I am, thank you. A, B,
C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O!

[Posted in FML 7229]