So I'm on my way home last night, a little later than usual after
stopping after work to visit a friend, and my cell phone rings. I
answer and listen as a distraught young man explains to me that he
found two ferrets in a pillow case (tied at the top) on a pile of
leaves on a street near campus. I'm almost home and so I make a quick
turn around and head back to town and we agree to meet. He assures me
before we hang up that the ferrets are safe till I get there (10-15
minutes). As I pull into the parking lot he sees my little white Grand
Am with the FERRETS license plates and flags me down. He pulls out a
large plastic tub with a nice fleece blanket and two baby ferrets. He
said he was walking down the street and heard a rustling in the leaves,
looked and noticed a pillowcase that was moving so he picked it up,
untied the top and looked inside. He was quite surprised to find two
young ferrets squirming around (I'm guessing 10 weeks). His mom is a
vet tech so he knows about ferrets even though he's never had them
before and when he found them he knew he couldn't take proper care of
them so he used a search app on his phone and found FFS. I hugged both
little ones then placed them in the cage in my car. The little girl (a
very light cinnamon blaze) snuggled under the cover and quickly went to
sleep. The little boy (a dark blaze) rustled around the cage a bit then
laid protectively on top of the blanket and his companion and he too
went to sleep.

Trying to get these two to eat was a bit of a challenge, until we
moistened Marshalls then they dove right in. My guess is they were
from the local Petco and hadn't been away from there very long.

The why of what happened haunts me. I know the little ones are safe now
but I wonder how can anyone do this to these sweet innocent babies...
there are other like taking them back to the pet store, or turning them
over to the local shelter, or as this young man did - contact me....
how can anyone think this type of action is O.K. to do???? How
frightened they must have been... it cuts into my heart... it makes
me angry beyond words....

Thank goodness this young man heard the rustling and knew about


[Posted in FML 7227]