Pest R. Doodle is between 5 and 6 years old, maybe a bit older. She is
a rescue. Have had her for a full 4 years and she was at least a year
old when I got her. She was over the biting and chewing stage so that
tells me she was more than a year old. She had spent a very long time
in a cage at the SPCA before I got her. Actually, in my estimation she
is between 6 and 7 years old but I really can't tell for sure.

For now I can see she is showing her age. Older ferrets show the same
kinds of creaks and groans in aging that I do and can see all that in
her now. I really dread this stage of their lives where their time with
me is now short. I dearly covet her presence and all every day and
stop by the cage or where ever she is curled up sleeping to give her a
little TLC. She certainly appreciates that and shows me with all those
'kisses'. Can't help but love a ferret! Have had over a dozen in the
past decade, all but two were rescues. Each was a most terrific animal
with unique traits.

Question. . . . How do you sneak up on a unique ferret? Answer, you
unique up on it !!!!!

Har de har har.

Gordon and Pest R Doodle

_12-2Addy CEO

[Posted in FML 7201]