I don't think the issue here cruelty. I think it is more so that this
practice is outdated and pointless.

Almost all schools use the simulators. I am a nursing student myself
and we use them all the time. They easily replace animals and are much
more accurate. They are not pieces of rubber and junk a company threw
together. A lot of research goes into making these simulators which is
part of the reason they are so expensive. They are very useful though.
The anatomy is almost exact (more exact than a ferret by far) and are
the closest thing you will get to a real patient. Some of the
simulators we have worked with are truly amazing.

So why does this college use ferrets? One of the doctors there says the
28 week old model isn't small enough. It obviously works though, most
schools use it and produce successful doctors.

I think people are upset that this practice is still going on because
one doctor thinks it is necessary when it truly isn't.


[Posted in FML 7207]