As of 9/28/11 I will not be accepting any orders for DerbyEggs. I am
hoping to have enough eggs to go around for everyone at Christmas time
as they have become such a big hit for fuzzies everywhere needing their
"DerbyEgg fix" eggs for sending to ferrets in shelters, and for new the
newest DerbyEgg fans coming on board. After all, what ferret stocking
would be complete without a brand new DerbyEgg in it?? If you would
like to be added to a list for wanting DerbyEggs, email me as I will
be compiling a list of names for fuzzies wanting eggs once have more
available. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause for anyone.
And not to worry, any and all outstanding orders pending will be


The Crocheted Ferret
Home of the famous DerbyEggs. Over 999 dozen of my eggs have sold,
making for a lot of happy ferrets and that many happy ferts can't
be wrong.

[Posted in FML 7197]