I recently agreed to take two very ill ferrets from the Lake County
(Florida) Animal Control. I had them transported to West End Animal
Hospital in Gainesville, FL into the very capable hands of Dr. Debbie
Cottrell. Both were emaciated and had severe urine burns. One had a
growth on its tail (chordoma) the size of a chicken egg. The other had
a soft tissue mass on its face. A friend recommended that I apply for
financial assistance to the Blizzard Memorial Fund. I had never made
such a request before so wasn't sure what to expect.

I was informed today that the Blizzard Memorial Fund has deposited
money into my account at Dr. Cottrell's clinic toward the surgeries! I
am so grateful. It will go a long way toward covering their extensive
veterinary bills.

The ferret with the mass on her face required a skin graft, so they
will remain with Dr. Cottrell a few more days until she is sure the
graft has taken. I hope to drive down from Tallahassee to pick them
up next week. They have been in my care for well over a week now and
I still haven't seen them!

Thank you again to the Blizzard Memorial Fund and SOS. Two little
girls are very grateful as well as their caretaker.

Tallahassee, FL Ferret Rescue

[Posted in FML 7197]