It's Official! Critter Camp Wins $50,000!!!!

Thank you to everyone for all your help!!! A great day for small
critter rescue, including our precious ferrets!!! :)


Thank you to all of our fantastic supporters!! Your tireless voting
paid off! We did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! View our entry here

What an incredible time for us at Critter Camp. Many of you have
visited, or attended a presentation; others are far away and know
of our work online. You all pulled together to make this happen!

So now what?? Critter Camp will receive half of the $ sometime in
October, and the other half in February.

In accordance with the entry $20,000 will go toward the care of the
300+ animals here now and to intake another 100 animals! And $30,000
will go towards purchasing land for our NEW Facility! Be sure to stay
subscribed to our newsletter, check out website, and follow our
Facebook page to watch our progress as Critter Camp grows!


[Posted in FML 7193]