this is Roxy...... mmm maybe butternut or sweetmeat squash would do
since the are a squash? I know our mommy grows those in her garden, she
would be willing to tell you how to go about it growing them, putting
them up for winter. They both are good for pie filling I know because
I sneak a few licks before she baked them, out of the bowl after she
poured into the shells. I know mommy love to clean the bowl too. Oh No
here is mommy!

Roxy what are you doing? Get off the key board you silly girl!! Have
you looked at the farmer market for the squashes, even the ones for
craving? So far we don't have a shortage of canned pumpkin. To mail
it, it would cost an arm and leg.

Roxy and Marie

[Posted in FML 7185]