My wife was weeding the front flower plot when an eight year old boy
named Tyler came up on his bike and said Hi and asked if she had any
pets. She said we had ferrets to which he asked "Are they birds and
do they eat corn"?

Before he even knew what they were he offered an terrific trade of one
deer skull and $2.19, she replied that they did not belong to her alone
and then she brought him into the house to see what a ferret was. After
seeing and playing with the gang he came into the room that I was in
and introduced himself and again offered this bountiful trade to me.
I told him that this was an tremendous offer but I could not sell my
little ones so he then said "If I got another could I sell it to him?

He excused himself and left, a few minutes later he showed up with a
cigar box (treasure chest) containing one very old deer skull with
one gum ball ring and one marble. He told me the skull was very rare
because it only had two horns, I told him it was called a spike buck
but did not said anything about it being rare and again the offer was
made that when I got another kid I would trade it to him for this plus
the $2.19. He said he wanted a turtle or something but his family could
not afford anything. He then asked what I fed them, I of course replied
that they got kibble (glad I did not mention the soup) and of course
being eight years old he asked if squirrels liked kibble and I told him
we gave them corn, to which he thought we had pet squirrels another
explanation about squirrels being wild and fur kids were not because
he thought he could go out and "capture" one in the woods and wanted
to know if I had a ferret detector and could he borrow it?

Told him there was no such detector and that the ferret was not wild,
he wanted to know if I had a girl kid and when she had babies could he
have one, the wife explained to him that she had been neutered he then
asked why we did not let them breed (8 years old)! Beat around the bush
and told him I would check around and see if I could find him a fur kid
for this wonderful trade he had offered.

He was very polite, excused himself and said he had to go home but
he would ask his paw paw if he could have a pet. As soon as I find
something fur kid related I will give it to this nice little boy to
put in his treasure chest

Patrick Hallahan

[Posted in FML 7184]