My name is Diane Calhoun. I normally just read the fml but the post I
read today greatly disturbed me. I have come to the conclusion that
the anonymous poster must have been confused. Let me clarify:

Diane Weitzel Calhoun
Hi I'm Diane from Indianapolis IN. I've had ferrets since 2002. I am
also a breeder but I have been thinking to take a year off. It sounds
to me that would be for the best while all these kids are being
rehomed. I would be more than willing to take a few of the older ones.
They would not be rehomed and live the rest of their days out with me.
I figure they will have had a rough life already and need to be spoiled
and loved. I've dealt with shelter shock and am able to handle that as
well. I've dealt with adrenals, insulinomas and lymphomas. I have space
now as my home has been relieved of extra people. Any thing I can do I

As for AFA Breeders.. There is no such thing. There are breeder members
but that does not mean the AFA endorses them. I am not an AFA member. I
was the person who mentioned taking a year off next year. If there is a
rescue it will solidify my decision.

I also am wondering why Fire Storm Ferrets aka Kay Amrine was singled
out? Kay never stated that she didn't breed she CUT BACK her breeding
that year. I would invite everyone to go read the actual comments and
see where Funnyfert1 is actually getting their information.

It appears to me that this post was meant to flame one person by making
up one story based on multiple stories.

Not Afraid To Sign My Name

Diane Calhoun
Little Saints and Demons Ferretry
[log in to unmask]

[Posted in FML 7182]