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you seem to have singled out Firestorm Ferrets in your post...since i
saw no other breeder her behalf...

i know this breeder...i have known her for 10 years...she is the most
responsible breeder i have ever met...and no...she is not the only
breeder i know...her kits are top notch...temperments are wonderful...
ferrets are gorgeous.

i have gotten ferrets in every possible way...adopted from shelters,
bought in a pet store, rescued them on my own, been given as gifts,
and bought from breeders...not just Firestorm ferrets... hands
down...Firestorm Ferrets have been the best i have ever had.

the breeder's integrity is unfailing...i have never known her to be
dishonest... she quietly...behind the scenes does wonderful things for
people...she just prefers them to remain unpublicized... her dedication
to her they in her home or adopted unwavering...
and complete...

i, personally, do not like your post seemingly singling her out...if
that was not your intention...then you should have put links to other
breeders that fit into that category... if this was against Firestorm
Ferrets...then shame on is not deserved.

who will always be kat...even when she is supposed to be kathy...sigh
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[Posted in FML 7182]