Good Morning All,

It was certainly good news learning that AFA will involve themselves in
the cruelty case at the Triple F Farm and the ferrets in their company.

Since the number of ferrets at issue is in the thousands (6,000), it
is my belief that it is better strategy that a credible expert
witness-type of organization such as AFA (American Ferret Association)
be involved rather than hundreds or thousands of concerned ferret
owners and shelters. And since the multitude of ferrets at issue
realistically prevents a "rescue" and rehoming into the ferret
community either through private homes or rescues/shelters, we need to
ensure that the kids at this place be cared for properly and ensure
that they stay in compliance -- and then some. There simply is not
enough resources, money, and homes to have them all removed from
Triple F. Maybe the ill and elderly ferrets....

However, that does not preclude the ferret community, lead by a legal
action by the AFA, to ensure that an entity other than PETA which would
not necessarily have the ferrets' best interest at heart. Their agenda
is not ours.

As a credible, well-established, ferret-based expert witness, AFA could
represent those ferrets by:

1. That present and/or potential charges leveled at Triple F be
properly handled and prosecuted;
2. That if found guilty of compliance or violation of statutes and/or
regs that Triple F be ordered to "clean up their act", bring the
company, and treatment of the ferrets into compliance;
3. That an entity, like AFA, be appointed to enforce said order either
by inspections by AFA or ensure that the court ordered inspector DO
the inspections and demand compliance and AFA make certain that the
inspections are done properly;
4. That an entity, like AFA, be a court ordered guardian ad litem, to
continue to monitor compliance by Triple F and verify that the ferrets
at the Triple F be humanely treated and maintained apart from the
inspector if not AFA; and
5. Have some sort of "legal communication" between Triple F and an
entity, like AFA, to offer expert advice and "assistance" when needed.

The purpose of all of this is to have ONE LOUD voice for the ferrets
and with AFA being a recognized ferret-expert organization and
non-profit entity, it allows the ferret community as a whole to support
this effort in unison without any confusion from many voices. AFA has
credibility and this would go a long way with the court, I believe.
And, and with AFA having a public relations division and spokesperson,
one voice could speak for all of the ferret community as a whole and
the information going out to the media and others would be clear and

And, AFA is going to need support - if you are not a member, join! And,
we should support their efforts 100% by donations as well. This is a
time consuming effort and will require some dollars to pursue.

What do you think!?!

Respectfully submitted,
Maren Qualls
Raisins From Heaven
Hernando, MS

(still without weekend internet.....)

[Posted in FML 7179]