Some of these hot days I have been sitting at the computer catching
a breeze from the fan and perusing the Internet for Christmas gifts.
Ferrety Christmas gifts. runs daily discounts on many
things, T-shirts, mugs, phone covers, wall get the idea.
I swear they cover every conceivable topic.

I came across a few shirts I particularly enjoyed. One, had a handsome
ferret with a sneaker next to it. Charles is our ferret who is
responsible for placing sneakers in his desired locations. I bought
the shirt in honor of Charles. My husband's birthday was in July and we
call him Pop around here. I found another shirt with a weaselly looking
weasel on it (Probably the way Todd and Caff Pow look when they head to
the chicken coop) It said Pop In large black letters and surrounding
with zip zag design like on Batman years a go. You remember - BAM, POW,
ZOWIE. I thought, how appropriate. Pop loves weasels too..or could it
be POP! goes the weasel?????

They also have some nice looking ferret wall posters and a decal of the
Gentleman Ferret. Apparently that was a ferret group one time out of
NYC. I bought the decal, framed it and gave it as a gift to our vet as
he celebrated his 25th year in the business. His message was that we
believed if he were a ferret, he would be a "gentleman ferret." I
believe I purchased a t-shirt with this decal on front and back for
Pop as well.

Kathy and Barry Fritz have some pretty cool shaped pens that come
in a variety of colors. You can see a sample on their site at
I suspect one of the ones I ordered will end up in the vets office tied
to the front desk for signing checks. Very cute -- check them out.
Here, I'll even save you a step. This is the link to the gift shop.
Check out the other gifts too.

They even come in pink Isabella Gucci Jones!! And all you other Pink

They were a pleasant surprise in the 30 lbs of TF VLT that arrived in
two days. I was so worried about running out of food that I forgot I
bought them! Thank goodness our other buddy "Cathy with a C" bailed us
out with her private shelter stash! It is always nice to have ferrety

Happy shopping!
Feed rescued animals in two clicks

[Posted in FML 7146]