Things had just settled down at the Bridge and No. 421 and Oliver were
getting wood in for winter. It was a long way off, but you could not
start to early. In a few weeks they would be starting a fire in the

Bluebird had been very busy and she was taking a nap when The Receiving
Angel came up to her and handed her a ticket. "Take this to No. 421,"
he said. "I don't know about family, but I think there is someone here
by the name of Sammy that lived in her house. Go tell Oliver and No.
421, he'll know what to do."

Bluebird was off in a flash. She flew straight to No. 421's cabin and
perched on the fence post. "Hey, yoo-hoo, yoo-hoo, anybody home?" she
called. "No. 421, I has a ticket for you."

Oliver came around the corner of the cabin with a basket of raisins.
He was going to bring them to Bakin Bertha and have her make them some
raisin cookies. Bluebird handed him the ticket and told him to give it
to No. 421.

Oliver looked at the ticket and saw, the words, albino, gorgeous ultra
thick fur and the word "girl".

Oliver was just putting on his suit coat to do the greeting when No.
421 woke up and came out from his nap.

"Where are you going all dressed up," he asked, "I have a greeting to
do," Oliver said. "So I'm off to do it." Oliver rushed past No. 421 and
in this haste, he dropped the ticket. No. 421 picked it up and saw the
word gorgeous. He rushed into the cabin, taking his clothes off as he
went. He just had to hurry and catch up to Oliver before he saw the new
little girl.

Oliver was sitting on a bench by the bridge when No. 421 came running
up the path. "No sign of her yet," he said. "Why didn't you stay in
bed, I think I could have handled this."

"Oh no you don't" No. 421 said. "Why don't you go see if you can find
Sammy -- maybe he has a room for her at his mound."

Oliver got up and started off down the hill to find Sammy. He thought
he knew where he lived and he hoped that was the right mound.

No. 421 just sat down when the bridge began to creak. A beautiful girl
ferret came over, walking slowly and looking around. She looked right
at No. 421 and said in the sweetest voice he had ever heard said,
"Where am I?"

"You are at the Rainbow Bridge," No. 421 said. "You must be Ali.
Welcome to your new home."

"My new home, I liked my old home," Ali said. "What am I doing here?"

No. 421 took her gently by the paw and sat her down next to him. "Ali,
you had an accident on earth and came here to live. You have a big
brother here and this is where your Mom on earth will come to look for
you. It is a very nice place to wait, and there are many girls here
that will become your friends."

There was a noise and Oliver came around the bend with a big ferret
in tow. "This is the right Sammy," Oliver said. "And he has an extra

No. 421 called Shooting Star and asked her to take a message back to
earth for Ali.

The beautiful star lady came over and sat down by Ali. "Hi Honey, what
would you like to tell your Mom," she said?

Ali was not at all sure about this; still, she wanted her Mom to know
she arrived safely.

"Tell my Mom I'm sorry about the way I left. Tell her I love her, and I
will wait for her to come and get me. Tell Pearl, I will be here when
she comes to the Bridge, and we will be together again." She closed the
letter with kisses and thanked Shooting Star.

Shooting Star assured Ali she would deliver the message and dropping a
kiss on her soft little head, she turned on one point and went looking
for Gentle Breeze.

Sammy took Ali by the paw and the two ferrets went down the path.
Oliver called a good bye, and said he would be by in a few days to see
how she was settling in.

No. 421 breathed a sigh of relief, everything went well, and she didn't
cry. For a moment he thought she was going to burst into tears.

Oliver and No. 421 started down the path to home and as they started
into the yard, Oliver remembered the raisins.

"Ah, er, No. 421, I have to go on an errand," he said. "I'll be right
back, only be gone a minute." And picking up the box, he trotted off
to Bakin Bertha's.

"Well, Hello Oliver, "Bakin Bertha said. "What brings you here?"

"Look, Mz. Bertha, I am bringin' you some raisins and No. 421 and I
would like you to bake raisin cookies," he said. "And could you bake
some extra and send Billy with them to that mound that Sammy built by
the stream? Just put on the card, Oliver, the handsome boy you met at
the bridge. She'll know who I am."

Back at the cabin, No. 421 wrote in his logbook, Mission accomplished.
She is a beauty, and poor Oliver has such a crush on her. He is trying
to hide it, but he can't.

Oliver came in the door, and put a small bag down on the table. "Some
cookies for tonight, then I can get the rest tomorrow."

Oliver slipped into his work clothes and began to get supper. Tonight
was special; they would have some sugar cookies for dessert.

[Posted in FML 7145]