Darling stretched canvas prints of your choice. They measure 20"x16"
and come pre-stretched with internal frame (Gallery Wrapped). Photos
are printed on artist quality Ultra-thick 360 gsm woven cotton canvas,
and are printed with fade resistant UV archival inks, which provide for
long lasting lightfast canvas prints. A protective coating is included
that is resistant to scratches & spillages. In addition, the coating
also has a UV filter for increased UV protection to prevent fading. It
is non-waterproof.

We are offering these prints 2 for $60. This particular offer is a 2
for 1 offer, so they must be ordered in dividends of two. So pick one
out for a friend! You can pick any two images you want from our large
selection of images. Or if you prefer, for $70 you can send us your own
photo(s). All orders include free domestic & International shipping.
This is a great price, when you consider that WalMart charges $96 + tax
for 2 of their 20"x16" canvases. This offer expires 9/14/11. See link
below for options, if you don't see something, we may have it so just


To order, PayPal payment can be made to [log in to unmask]
If you chose the "Personal" tab over the default "Purchase" tab the
Shelter can avoid the PayPal fees. Please leave a message in the
message field during your PayPal checkout as to what you are ordering &
please include your mailing address. You can email us at the above
address if you have any questions, would like to clarify your order,
or if you require an alternate payment method.

Even with the added UV protections, as with any artwork it is best to
display in a diffused light setting & to avoid direct sunlight.

All proceeds go to Ferrets with Soul(e) Ferret Rescue.


[Posted in FML 7170]