Please don't roll out the welcome mat yet for the ferret I wrote about.
A few of us have been working behind the scenes putting our heads
together on how we still may able to save this baby. The woman of the
bitten child has been very helpfull as well, believe it or not.

My friend Dave from Scales & Tails have offered to take the ball &
run with it and hopefully will be able to get this baby sprung as
I'm limited to what I can do during the day as for phone calls and
traveling at night. Dave stated he will keep me up to speed on what is
going on with this baby once he contacts the animal shelter she is at.

Everyone please say a prayer that we can pull this off working as a
TEAM and get this little one sprung after her quarrentine period is
over. I have everything I can cross crossed.


[Posted in FML 7169]