On the subject of food....I know...ferrets are obligate carnivores....
need loads of protein and no fiber. No cecum, no fiber necessary.
But how does Mmmmmango fit into the picture? Taz has a pretty good

Now Tazzy-mo cannot be said to have the most discriminating of ferty
tastes, having been fed Hartz ferret food mixed with little friskys by
his prior Momma. ( I have to police the cat and dog food when he is
out, and the little booger knows he isn't supposed to eat it, so he
steals it and runs.)

That said.....in steps the innocent Momma. The Momma who feeds him
special soup every morning, slathers him with fuzzy lovin' and
schmoozes the woozle too. The Momma who tries to make the best possible
choices as far as healthy kibble goes. And then as a treat buys herself
delectable smelling MMMMMMango-manderine body soap....not one bottle,
the four pack you get at BJs, to conserve money, and give Mom a little
extra atta-girl for all the potty scoopin', ferret laundering and the
other hoomin maintenance jobs, kids, hubby house etc....the list goes

I happily shower with my new body soap, enjoying the lather of the
scented soap, but not realizing that something this good for Momma
cannot go unnoticed. It was blissful.

coming downstairs, I stop and let Tazzy-Mo out. I do this first thing
every morning, because he still cage stresses if he hears people and
cannot come out. My face is washed between the very vocal bup-bup bups
of him telling me about his night and good morning, Mum. I set him down
and he toddles after me like a little ducky, and flops by my feet as I
make his soup.

Everything is good. I give Tazzy breakfast, give soup and meds to my
other two older kids, and sit with a cup of coffee. I decide to check
my email. I notice Tazzy finish his soup and come in to the living room
where my computer desk is. I think nothing of it. He often checks in on
his rounds, or flops by my feet chin or paw on my foot to be sure I
don't go anywhere without him. But something catches his attention....

I think nothing of it. Tazzy always licks my feet, my nose, my chin, my
hand, may arm, whatever he can reach.He's a kissing fool! Crazy little

But then, the calm of my morning shatters, as he licks up my foot, I
did not realize this was a taste....he continues up the leg... and
chomp! Taz has never bitten me. I yelp.

"No Tazzy!" I push him away, but he immediately comes back to bit
again, lick lick bite.....

"No" I pick him up and scruff him. It finally registers... It's the

"Come get Tazzy, Jess, He' s after my MMMango soap" I yell for my
daughter, as he rounds another lick lick bite on me, and I scruff him
while he bup bup bups his disapproval of my treatment. What to do? My
daughter laughs. I am frustrated, he is frustrated, after all how
often do you get MMMango? Must be like cat-nip for ferts!

So to all you ferty folks, stash the MMMMMango, give it away, or just
don't buy it, or you become good enough to eat!!!!!

What the heck am I gonna do with four bottles?

Cindy & the Slightly Used Ferret Gang

[Posted in FML 7161]