This link is to the ChipIn I created for Chloe. You might remember that
11 of my 12 ferrets were stolen last year...almost a year ago September
7th. Now Chloe is sick, I'm looking for work still, and she needs
surgery. She's doing well otherwise, but her adrenal disease is getting
to her a bit too much and I'm doing the best I can. After losing 11,
now my only survivor is sick. Even if you can just done a few dollars,
it's all appreciated and all a blessing. Thank you so much.

With regards to my other 11: no news. I sent out 31 flyers to different
vets offices and the one person who came forward, it turned out not to
be mine. Another person emailed me that he saw my Ringo posted on
Craigslist but can't find the contact information to that person. So,
still nothing.

[Posted in FML 7158]