Sandi wrote:
>PS: I'm not on the FML so I hear that I'm being "bashed" from people

So, are we being subjected to continuing allegations which -- beyond
the filing of the complaint and the suspension during investigation (a
common procedure in medical professions just as it is among police,
teachers, pilots, and more depending on the accusation) -- are nothing
more than speculation and hearsay because SOMEONE WHO IS *NOT * AN FML
MEMBER wants to work up the people here (or maybe is a member to only
post but does not care enough about what anyone says to read other
people's posts -- since Sandi says right in her note that she does not
read the FML) ? It's been reported; we know. The membership of the FML
seems to have largely decided to be just and keep an open mind during
the investigation, so let's get past this stage and wait as it is
investigated and all sides get to provide their evidence. Gads, it is
bad enough when actual members who care about what other members have
to share work each other up without having non-members also trying
repeatedly to upset everyone here with posts that go well beyond
substantiated facts...

Secondly, more is coming out about the accident in which there were
ferrets lose in the vehicle. The original story read like the cause
might be known, but the young man turned out to not have alcohol in

The newly reported evidence is that there was no sign of the man
braking. Perhaps his brakes failed. Maybe, like another person in the
distant past -- who I think might have written to the FML on the
situation so check the FML Archives -- a ferret got under a brake
pedal. Who knows? Luckily, it sounds like all three individuals are
going to be okay.

******Ferret safety -- including ferret safety in cars -- would be a
constructive topic that could help all. TIPS, ANYONE? It would be a
welcome change of pace.******

The third thing: never forget to use the FML Archives when they can
come in helpful. They are very useful. Besides dealing with a large
and sometimes contentious community in which it can sometimes be
challenging to find a balance, Bill does great work on those, too.

Sukie (not a vet)

Recommended ferret health links:
all ferret topics:

"All hail the procrastinators for they shall rule the world tomorrow."
(2010, Steve Crandall)
On change for its own sake: "You can go really fast if you just jump
off the cliff." (2010, Steve Crandall)

[Posted in FML 7156]