(sukie asked)
We all know ferrets with ranks. Which ones did I miss?
Seeman Go (purposeful misspelling)
Chief Petty Possessiveness
First Love
Private Invasion
Corporal Punishment
Major Havoc
General Chaos

Okay, I'm "biting" into this with...

Lance Corporal Leaves-a-Poop (or several :)
Seargeant Stippled-silvery, also Seargeant Sends-'Em-Screaming
Lieutennant Left-Turn
Reserve Officer Right-Turn (somehow those last two are always bumping
into each other :)
Captain Miss Boss
Co-Captain "Oh YEAH, SEZ Who?"
Drum-Major Dance-A-Lot
Rear Admiral Ricebox-Diver
Admiral Admire-Me!

(I've had several of each of these :)

[Posted in FML 7141]